A pair of lighter skinned hands with a tattoo cradle a red tomato

Amy Builds Her Strength through Tai Chi


As Amy grows older, she knows how it important to stay active physically and mentally. But as a senior, it can be hard for her to travel far.

Thankfully, she has you. You have made it possible for us to offer free Healthy Aging activities in Amy’s building, Rosa Parks Apartments!

Amy recently graduated from a twelve-week-long Tai Chi workshop for arthritis and fall prevention. She found the class so convenient and fun that she attended every week, making her one of the 11 participants who earned a certificate!

Ann Xiao, TNDC’s Healthy Aging Supervisor, said that all the graduates were very excited about the graduation ceremony. For many, it was their first time wearing a cap and gown!

But the ceremony was only one reason the class was a success for Amy.

“I feel healthier. Exercising is better than not exercising,” said Amy. “I am happier because I exercise and get to talk to other people.” 

The Tai chi workshop is just one of the many Health & Wellness activities you make possible. Because of you, we can offer classes addressing Healthy Aging, Food & Nutrition, and Urban Agriculture and appeal to wider range of resident interests and needs.

For Amy, Tai Chi was perfect. The class was a great way to socialize and feel less lonely while building her strength and balance.

Thank you for making sure seniors in San Francisco are not left behind.

Because of you, nearly 2,000 seniors not only have a home, but a home that cares for their health and well-being.   
