Jennifer Dolin

First Name
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Personal pronouns: she/hers

Ms. Dolin brings considerable experience in nonprofit housing, having served more than 20 years at Mercy Housing California as Senior Housing Developer (2001-2013) and then as Regional VP of Operations (2013-2021). With expertise spanning strategic planning, asset and property management, resident services, community engagement, and advocacy, Ms. Dolin is especially qualified to lead TNDC into its next chapter. Her extensive background in the affordable housing industry is complemented by active membership on nonprofit and for-profit boards, where she honed her governance, fundraising, and strategic planning expertise. As the principal of JENDolin Consulting, Ms. Dolin has worked with housing providers across the country including Midpen Housing, Napa Valley Community Housing, CCH, Abode Communities, and Community Roots Housing.

Team Member Type
Chief Executive Officer