ContentGet to Know UsSee our work in the news and read our publications, including our Strategic Plan, Impact Reports, and Newsletters. 按 出版物 出版物按2024十二月2024 Impact Statement2022九月2021 Impact Report 八月2022 Summer Newsletter 四月Announcing TNDC's New COO, Katie Lamont TNDC Names Roxanne Huey Chief Financial Officer2021十一月Announcement from TNDC Board President 2021 Winter Newsletter 八月2020 Impact Report六月2021 Summer Newsletter三月Our Statement in Response to the Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in Atlanta and the Tenderloin二月In Solidarity with the Asian American Community 一月Messages from Don Falk, CEO, & the Board of DirectorsOur Statement on Wednesday's Domestic Terrorism at the U.S. Capitol2020十一月2020 Winter NewsletterOur Statement on the 2020 Election七月2019 Impact Report2019 Donor List六月Toward a New Normal: Centering Racial Equity2020 Summer Newsletter三月COVID-19 Update 3.19.20202019一月2019 Theory of Change (Spanish)2019 Theory of Change (Chinese)2019 Theory of Change (English)2019 Strategic Plan